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UMBC=Unique Man Brings Change

Brandon Foster

Staff Writer

Summary: Chris J. Harried, an aspiring educator and junior political science major, creates change through his involvement across campus.

What is your name, major, and year?

I am Chris J. Harried, a junior who is majoring in political science and minoring in sociology.

Where are you from (city, county, state)?

I am proud to be a Baltimore City native and graduate of city schools.

Who do you admire and why?

I admire my grandmothers the most as their love and dedication have helped me become who I am today.

What is your career goal?

At this stage in my journey, I aspire to become a higher education professional, working to connect first-generation and underprivileged populations with the college experience.

If you could change one thing around the world, what would it be?

If I had the opportunity to change one aspect of the world, I would increase the number of free, quality educational institutions available to children across the globe. Education is the key that unlocks the prison of poverty, and to have the ability to offer that liberating option to as many as possible would radically change the nature of some of the issues that our international community is currently facing.

What do you like most about UMBC?

I really enjoy the community vibe that UMBC exemplifies. This notion that we have students who each come from different walks of life, but are able to learn and live together has always fascinated me.

What activities do you participate in on campus?

I help coordinate the Disciples on Campus group here at UMBC, a nondenominational Christian club focused on helping students foster a more intimate relationship with God. I also have the privilege of serving as an Undergraduate Ambassador with Office of Undergraduate Admissions & Orientation, and work as a Student Assistant in the Instructional System Development (ISD) Program here at UMBC. This year I am fortunate enough to be a France-Merrick Fellow with the Shriver Center, and am really proud to be a Sondheim Public Affairs Scholar.

Who is the celebrity you would like to meet; what would you do with him/her?

I would like to meet Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson; his method of explaining science almost made me forget just how much math is involved. Dr. Hrabowski always encourages us students to “ask good questions,” so I would have a list of questions prepared to ask Dr. Tyson.

What is/are your favorite thing(s) to do outside of UMBC?

I come from a large family, so anytime that I get to venture back to Baltimore and see them is time well spent.

Where do you want to spend your next vacation?

I would be excited to get the opportunity to go back to Alaska in the winter so that I could see the aurora borealis.

What is your favorite genre of television (comedy, competition, reality, etc.) and why?

I have this really random palette for police procedurals and legal dramas. Anything from NCIS (all three) to Law & Order: SVU and Suits is more than likely on my TV screen.

What kind of music do you like?

I prefer alternative and R&B, but I am down for anything.

If you met Dr. Hrabowski (UMBC President), what would you say to him?

I would ask him about his vision for the future of UMBC as in where he sees our community in the next 10-15 years.