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Make money, gain experience

Tables lined the walls of the University Center Ballroom for Welcome Week’s On-Campus Jobs Fair. Even for students scrambling to buy books and get ready for the busy Fall semester ahead of them, there was still a good turnout.

Behind the tables were representatives of various organizations, awaiting eager students to introduce themselves with resumes in hand. These organizations are either located directly on campus or nearby, making it more convenient for students planning to juggle both school and work.

Christine Routzahn, the Director of the Career Center, said, “the On-Campus Jobs Fair takes place each year during Welcome Week to introduce students to a sample of current work opportunities both on-campus and at bwtech@UMBC.” The Career Center encourages students to engage in career development workshops, internships and job opportunities.

One of many organizations in attendance was the Hussman Institute for Autism, a non-profit organization located close to campus. Representative Ashlyn Smith said, “we strive to support families and children with autism. We’re looking for someone who’s open-minded and patient.” It didn’t take long for students to gather around while Smith talked about the institute.

Jamie Heathcote for TRW

The organization that seemed to garner the most attention was The Hershey Company. At first, students swarmed around the table for the free candy, but once the representative, Nick Stapp, began to talk about the company and their expectations, students were attentive.

“We’re now in the process of opening an office right here on campus. We’re looking for three to four interns for research and data analysis,” said Stapp. The interns would work on campus during the school year and then work at Hershey’s corporate headquarters over the summer.

Laura Fielder, a freshman chemical engineering major, stopped by for a mini Hershey bar and some small talk with Stapp. “Since I’m a freshman, I’m not sure if I’m experienced enough for some of these positions.” In spite of her doubts, she thought meeting employers at the event would be beneficial for her future.

Another attendee, Nicole Rohrer, a junior graphic design major who just transferred from Anne Arundel Community College, said, “I’m mostly just looking for some job experience in graphic design. I live on campus, so I really just want a part-time job close by.” Along with checking out the fair, she also plans on looking at commonvision.

“Our large-scale Fall Internship and Career Fair will take place on October 14, in the Retriever Activity Center. We encourage all to attend to meet with employers interested in hiring UMBC student talent,” said Routzahn. A list of attending employers will be posted to myUMBC prior to the event.