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Week in Review

From the News Editors Desk

Sept. 9 A state panel finalized a second draft for a program to create a medical marijuana inudustry in Maryland. The so-called Medical Marijuana Commission would include a digital registration for certified medical marijuana recipients and a ban on growing within Baltimore City boundaries.


Sept. 10 The Maryland State Attorney’s office announced that it will join Baltimore City’s Inspector General to investigate the Mayor’s Office of Information Technology. The MOIY is under investigation for allegedly paying contractual employees for unperformed work.


Sept. 11 Governor Martin O’Malley helped commemorate the anniversary of the March of the Defenders, the name given to the six-mile march by Maryland militia to counter the British advance against Baltimore on this day in 1814. An American flag was also displayed at the Ft. McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine.


Sept. 12 A former corrections officer was sentenced to 28 months in prison for assisting the Black Guerilla Family gang in drug smuggling and racketing operations from inside the Baltimore City Detention Center. The officer helped smuggle the prescription medication Percocet, marijuana and tobacco into the facility to BGF members from 2011 to 2013.


Sept. 13 Thousands of spectators observed the Blue Angels aerial show in the Inner Harbor. The show was conducted in honor of the national anthem’s 200th birthday.


Sept. 14 Thirty countries have pledged to help Iraq fight Islamic State militants “by all means necessary”. A joint statement by foreign officials taking part in a major conference in Paris said support would include “appropriate military assistance”. The talks had been organized to agree on a strategy to combat the terror group, which controls large parts of Iraq and Syria.

Sept.15 After facing criticism for not doing enough in the fight against the spread of Ebola in West Africa, President Obama has announced an intensified campaign which heavily involves the United States military.