I’m the current station manager of WMBC and I wish to clear up some discrepancies. We, as an organization, speak for ourselves. We do not require an alumni, who is no longer affiliated with our organization, to make a statement on our behalf. We also do not desire the student body to contact our advisor, simply because our advisor and estranged alumni do not have the power to rejuvenate the station. We ask that you join us in rallying support from SGA so that we may receive the funding we so desperately need to acquire new and accessible software.
Furthermore if bringing the station back was as simple as dusting off old software and turning some dials, we would have done it by now. But the sad truth is we are waiting our turn, like every other organization on campus, to be approved for funding. For any inquires feel free to contact me, the current station manager at my email jnewma1@umbc.edu.

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