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Posts tagged as “horoscope”


Virgo– Chaos will befall your classroom when the “same seats” rule is violated again and again. Libra– You didn’t expect it to make much of…


Compiled by the Retriever Weekly Features Staff Virgo– Your new mattress pad is a big improvement. Unfortunately, it will do nothing to help with the…


Compiled by the Retriever Weekly Features Staff Virgo- On the bright side, you’ll no longer need to worry about burning your mouth after you spill…


Virgo- You’ll get a bad feeling when all your professor has to say about your presentation is that she liked the pictures. Libra- Things will…


Compiled by the Retriever Weekly Features Staff Virgo-Stay vigilant and this week you’ll find the perfect opportunity for a food fight. Hint: chem lab. Libra-You’ll…


Compiled by the Retriever Weekly Features Staff Virgo- You’re going to be splenetic when your horoscope sends you to the dictionary. Libra- It’s fall and…


Compiled by the Retriever Weekly Features Staff Virgo- “Get your feet off the table!” will take on a whole new meaning in your next anatomy…


Compiled by the Features Staff Virgo- Your big date is just around the corner. This time try opening with something other than why you think…


Compiled by the Features Staff Virgo- You will finally the find the person you’ve been waiting for all this time, and he will be happy…


Virgo- Change is coming your way. Both you and the cashier at McDonalds know this. Libra- You are finally going to get over your fear…