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Virgo- You will be faced with what appears to be a bad situation this week. It is really just an opportunity in disguise.

Libra- Be assertive with your needs.

Scorpio- You will have an interesting romantic encounter soon.

Sagittarius- Don’t be afraid to try new things. You may find something you like.

Capricorn- Listening to others will yield unique insights.

Aquarius- Don’t let yourself be too serious. Take some time to dance this week!

Pisces- You will get a surge of motivation. Use it wisely!

Aries- Try listening to some new music this week.

Taurus- Don’t let your opinions be drowned out by others. Your viewpoint is valid.

Gemini- Be adventurous this week. You can totally pull off that outfit!

Cancer- Ask a lot of questions this week. Some answers may surprise you.

Leo- You will make an unusual financial transaction soon.