Owings Mills restaurant serves exceptional sushi Ashley Parks Staff Writer parks5@umbc.edu Summary: Sushi Ya, a small Japanese restaurant in Owings Mills, provides great ambience and…
Posts tagged as “features”
A look behind the mask of True Grit Allison Opitz Contributing Writer opitz1@umbc.edu Summary: CJ, the person inside True Grit’s suit, provides an exclusive look…
Virgo- Change is coming your way. Both you and the cashier at McDonalds know this. Libra- You are finally going to get over your fear…
Tea Empire’s first meeting of the semester Jamie Heathcote Staff Writer heatjam1@umbc.edu Summary: Though not a university-recognized group, Tea Empire attracts a crowd of warm…
This new book to movie proves to be much more than just a maze Holly Vogtman Staff Writer hollyv1@umbc.edu Summary: A young man named Thomas,…
Breaking Ground’s Garden project launches volunteer planting and details further expansion Henry Strand Contributing Writer strandh1@umbc.edu Summary: The Garden welcomes volunteers to work towards sustainability…
Maryland Celebrates National Anthem Bicentennial Brittany Meyer Staff Writer bmeye1@umbc.edu “O! Say can you see,” that Maryland became nationally known last week for the bicentennial…
Brandon Foster Staff Writer brafos1@umbc.edu Summary: Chris J. Harried, an aspiring educator and junior political science major, creates change through his involvement across campus. What…
Route 40 bar and grill makes a great place for food and sports Ashley Parks Staff Writer parks5@umbc.edu Only a 10 minute drive from campus,…
The AOK Library has gone through many different changes Andrew Mayn Contributing Writer amayn1@umbc.edu Summary: The library is one of the most popular buildings on…